
The Citizens for Nigeria, from where derived its life, has launched its main web site - With the defeat of the disgraced dictator, General Ibrahim Babangida, even before the elections, we can now move to the greater problems that face Nigeria, which we originally set our sights upon. 

After we retired former military dictator, Ibrahim Babangida, early in his doomed political career, we can not go to bed and simply relax. How could we, when the problems of Nigeria are far from being over? Patriots can not relax, not until we make Nigeria what it ought to be.

We never set out to address only the Babangida problem. However, because he was the most serious threat to our survival as a nation, he had to be given an urgent and special attention. Even now, we do not think he is completely neutralized, and we must keep a watchful eye on him, even as we continue to seek ways to bring him to justice for his crimes.

While Babangida is a critical virus partially disabled, he is not the only problem with Nigeria. It is time to move on. With the critical 2007 elections so near, and the nation so troubled, the struggle is far from over.

For those who know little about the Citizens for Nigeria, and our successful campaign at, please read more at the About Us page.

The Citizens for Nigeria will be a place to know Nigeria very deeply, to understand the issues from a very rich perspective, and get help in making intelligent political choices. We will work together to recapture the power that the rulers have snatched from our hands. We will make Nigeria what it should be. We, the people, have the power. And we should begin to exercise it. Starting from here.

We invite you to now to use your power.

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