As the heat gets unbearable for former military dicator, General Ibrahim Babangida, following the arrest and release of his son, Mohammed,  for alleged corrupt business dealings, IBB summoned his friends in the military to delibrate his family's assumed problems. Mohammed may have been the front for his dad's illegal businesses.

Former Head of State, General Abdulsalami Abubakar, Generals Halilu Akilu and Mohammed Wushishi welcomed the young Babangida back home after he had sniffed the blazing hot rod of the EFCC, and they held secret emergency meeting about the arrest.

Meanwhile, despite his release on bail, the Commission has seized the passport of  Mohammed Babangida, while also restricting  the movement of the embattled former military president's son.

The searchlight on Mohammed followed allegations that he had probably served as a front for his father who was the head of state from August 27, 1985 to August 26, 1993.

A 1994 report by a panel headed by the late economist, Dr. Pius Okigbo, on the Central Bank of Nigeria, among other things, accused Babangidas regime of squandering an estimated $12.4bn earned from oil sales during the Gulf War.
Upon Mohammeds arrest, some associates of his father, led by a former National Security Adviser, Gen. Aliyu Gusau, prevailed upon the EFCC and put up bail for him.

A source in the EFCC, however, said two conditions were attached to the bail.

He said, We asked Mohammed to submit his passport to our commission and restricted his movement pending the conclusion of our investigations.”

The source added that Mohammed would report routinely to the commission as may be necessary.

Mohammed, was arrested and throughly questioned by the fearless Economic and Financial crimes Commission (EFCC), who later released him at about 12 midnight on Sunday.

General Aliyu Gusau (rtd), immediate past National Security Adviser (NSA) to President Olusegun Obasanjo was instrumental to his release.

Mohammed was picked up last Friday in Abuja to explain how he came about his 25 per cent shares in one of the nation’s telecommunications companies, Globacom.

Immediately he arrived Minna on Sunday, he went straight to his father’s Hilltop Mansion. Former Head of State, General Abdulsalami Abubakar, Generals Halilu Akilu and Mohammed Wushishi were on hand to receive him.

The family immediately summoned an emergency meeting with the above generals in attendance. Babangida himself was at the meeting as well as his wife, Mariam.

Efforts to get Mohammed to talk on his arrest and detention failed.

Meanwhile, Babangida’s associates have condemned Mohammed’s arrest.

They said it was an attempt to thwart IBB’s presidential ambition in 2007.

National President of the All Nigeria Youth Movement for IBB, Aliyu Adamu, who condemned the arrest, described the EFCC as an instrument used to witch-hunt perceived political enemies.

He said it was part of Federal Government’s game plan to frustrate Babangida ahead of 2007 general elections.

A chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Nma Kolo, also spoke on Mohammed’s travail, wondering why the commission is being selective in its hunt for those who have committed financial crimes.

"It is unfortunate that the EFCC has become a tool used by President Olusegun Obasanjo to launch his attack, harassing and intimidating perceived political enemies and those he never wants to challenge his policies.

"This witch-hunting started with General Buba Marwa, then with Vice President Atiku Abubakar and now it is Babangida’s turn. Since they did not get anything against him, they now went after his son," he alleged.

"With the kind of person the President is, I believe more of such arrests are still coming from the commission until he has been able to successfully smear the image of all his perceived political enemies. If this is what our democracy has become, then no one is safe.

"I am convinced by what I have seen that the arrest of Mohammed Babangida was part of the agenda by Chief Obasanjo to frustrate and intimidate notable and credible politicians out of the political contest in 2007," he said.

Also Read: EFCC Arrests Babangida's Son

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